Join the Directory of Women’s Organizations



Fill out the registration form for your organization in the database today!

Currently we have about 300 organizations based in 18 countries on 3 continents.

The database will soon be accessible online and shared with various donors and intermediary organizations wishing to directly support Francophone women and young women’s organizations.

Please also help us spread this message across your network to all organizations working on women’s issues and encourage them to complete the registration form.

Do you have problems connecting to the internet?

The form is also available offline in Excel format. Please download and fill in and return to  as soon as possible.


Purpose of Mapping

The goal of the mapping is to create the most exhaustive and expressive database of organizations working to promote the rights of women, young women and girls in the countries and regions of the Great South Francophone in order to have:

  • a better knowledge of these organizations and their activities,
  • a better understanding of their roles in the Francophone women’s movement and
  • a better understanding of the combined impact of their actions and contributions to the development of their communities at the local, national, subregional, regional and international levels.

Using Mapping results

The XOESE Fund will use this database to identify the beneficiaries of its activities and grants and for its advocacy.

In addition, it will share the database with all Women’s Funds and other donors funding women’s, young women’s and girls’ issues in the region to increase the opportunities and the volume of their grants for women. Francophone women’s organizations.