On October 19, 2022, was held the training on “Strategies for access to markets and international development” organized by the Cabinet SYNERGIE. This training was organized for entrepreneurs, traders and merchants to improve their sales and market their products internationally.
Three (3) of the XOESE Fund’s recipient partners were able to bring 10 women traders who are beneficiaries of their projects to this great training: Assistance Plus Togo, Aklala Batik and Femme Plus Togo, which were represented by 10 women traders.
Well supervised by the two warm trainers: Mꓸ Philippe AWAGA and Mꓸ Roland KANDA who were very open and explicit in their speeches to allow the entrepreneurs to well expand their states of mind on the competition of markets.
During this training, different themes were addressed, including: market identification, international trade techniques, management of international sales forces and intellectual property, a tool for competitiveness of companies were widely explained and supported by group work that allowed participants to understand more easily the strategies for access to markets and international development.
Beyond the new knowledge acquired on market access strategies, this training allowed participants to conduct an in-depth reflection and analysis of the challenges and opportunities of the African market, the increase in the African population which could double by 2025 and will increase the demands on the market. As well as the importance of FTAA which is an African Continental Free Trade Area market between African member states.

Discover the impressions of the women traders who participated in this training.
KPODJAGOR H HOUEVI BEATRIC, representative of the organization Aklala Batik
She says, “I went to this training as a novice, but I came out a winner. Thanks to this training, I can now easily sell our products online, and especially know what kind of quality product to post to easily gain customers. She continues her statement by saying as a recommendation to Aklala Batik that: “Aklala Batik must seriously improve its website because it would allow us to better publicize our activities through publications and especially attract other partners and more customers.

Madame Déla, representative of the organization Assistance Plus Togo
“This training has opened my eyes; I have learned a lot about trade. Now I will review my strategy to conduct my business activities, thank you for this opportunity that the XOESE Fund has offered us through Assistance Plus Togo.”
The training ended with the word of the trainers who greeted the participation of all and insisting on the need to make a situational analysis of its organization, to ensure to build a company with exportable activities, to proceed to the survey and the study of the market to increase its company.